

Emergency Service

We perform complex surgeries that enhance the patients well being

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery is a comprehensive practice for restoring, reconstructing and enhancing the physical attributes of its patients to help them achieve a better quality of life.


Plastic Surgery is a comprehensive practice for restoring, reconstructing and enhancing the physical attributes of its patients to help them achieve a better quality of life.


Dermatology is a department of medicine that deals with the skin and problems of the skin. It conclude the study, research and diagnosis of normal skin and disorders of the skin. Cancers, cosmetic and old conditions of the skin, fat, hair, nails and oral and genital membranes are all aspects of dermatology.

Care Expertise


Birth Anomaly Correction

Laser Hair & Suture Removal

Wrinkle & Scar Treatment

Jaw Straightening

Hand Surgery

Skin Tag & Allergy Treatment

Tissue Expansion

Treatments in Plastic Surgery, Cosmetology, Dermatology

Lymphedema Surgery

Photodynamic Therapy

Skin Cancer Surgery

Septoplasty (correction of deviated septum)

Reconstructive & Restorative Surgeries

Radiation Therapy & Vitiligo Surgery.

Hair Removal or Transplantation,

Intralesional Treatment

Meet our specialist

Dr. Khozema Saify

Dermatologist & Venereologist

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